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Our Nurseries

Growing Together Since 1994


We at Saad-Assaf Flowerbulbs nurseries grow classic Amaryllis and Canna varieties, as well as New, Special Varieties, issued from our breeding program.


Our Nurseries are located in the southern area of Israel, a land of sun and unique nature. We are using growth facilities such as climate-controlled greenhouses, suspended media, high technology system for recycling drain water, and a controlled supply of nutrients. We are taking advantage of our climate conditions – converting sun energy to electricity and heat sources for disinfection of growth suspended media (soil solarization). 

Our staff includes experienced growers whose goal is to ensure the supply of superior quality flower bulbs to our valued customers around the globe, many of whom are among the largest flower bulb suppliers in the world.

As one of the leaders in bulb cultivation and supply, Saad - Assaf is committed to the high quality of our products. We provide full support to our clients, giving consultation and technical assistance for any questions that might arise after bulbs have been planted.

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Our Story

Local Partnership

The story begins in 1984, Azriel has started to grow Amaryllis bulbs in an open field, next to his home. After a few years of progress and he felt it's time to expand. One of his closest friends knew Itzik Lichter, who was the manager of the greenhouses complex of Kibbutz Saad - a small settlement in the northern part of the Negev.

Azriel reached out to Kibbutz Saad and start a trial with Amaryllis bulbs growing in a greenhouse. This experiment went very well, so they decided to establish a partnership - Azriel and Kibbutz Saad.

In the beginning, there were just two greenhouses in an area of 2 hectares, the yield was about 30,000 bulbs per year.


Today, we are growing almost 2,000,000 Amaryllis bulbs in 15 hectares of greenhouses in Israel and about 1,000,000 Canna Rhizomes in the open field.


Also - we have started a partnership with Siam Flower Bulbs, Thailand and we are growing together 15 hectares of Amaryllis in Thailand. 

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Our Team

Winning Team

Our most precious resource is our workers!

So we employ highly experienced growers and workers whose goal is to ensure the supply of excellent quality bulbs to our valued customers around the world.


Environmental Commitment

IPM (integrated pest management) and

BMPs (Best management practices) policies

We at Saad-Assaf believe that we have to minimize our ecological footprint on the earth and use every drop of lost energy.


Our facility includes:

  • 12 hectares of protected greenhouses with suspended medium (coconut fibers), thus minimizing groundwater pollution risks.

  • An automatically controlled system for collecting drain water from the suspended medium.

  • A 400 KW photovoltaic cells system for solar power generation

  • Electric-powered vehicles

  • Solar medium disinfection in the summertime.
    to use solar energy.

  • 400 organic olive trees, planted around our facilities, produces around 2000 liter of olive oil just for a hobby...

Our pest management strategy is consistent with the laws under which pesticides are regulated in Israel. According to this – pesticides applications are based on scouting, climate data, and crop health.

Pesticides handlers and applicators are trained to apply pesticides safely, according to labels and Israel regulations.

We are fully aware of the vital role of pollinators (Bees, Birds and Bats) in reproduction of flowering plants in nature and for production of fruits and vegetables.

Thus, we are making efforts to minimize the use of Neonicotinoids and Chlorpyrifos and use these only in closed, protected greenhouses.

Besides protecting pollinators from harmful chemicals, we strive to support them by growing on-site, citrus and Eucalyptus trees which are nectar-rich plants.

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